Wednesday 28 January 2015

Ivf Centres in Delhi,Ivf Centres in India,Ivf Centres in West Delhi,How to prevent C Section

            How to prevent C Section

Avoiding Unnecessary C Section--- 1st or 2nd

Trying to Avoid Cesarean

How to prevent a Preventable Cesarean

Reducing C- Section for Good

How to break a Chain Reaction of C Section

Protecting the new Moms ( 1st time) from C section

The science is advancing,we are moving away from conventional open surgery to laparoscopic surgery  to robotic surgery.We want smaller cuts for uterus removal ovarian cysts,,fibroid removal  but what are we doing for delivery? We are going away from vaginal deliveries towards big scars of cesarean deliveries. Once a cesarean,there are 80% chances of having a 2nd cesarean also & if 3rd pregnancy occurs- 3rd is inevitably an indication for elective cesarean section.The chances of having laparoscopic or robotic hysterectomies are minimized case if required  at later age.

When the girl is young ,about to be a mom, needs to have less trauma to body & maintain her figure,  we give her big scars of cesarean section & when she is old of 45 & needs hysterectomy, we try to manipulate her by giving smalls scars of laproscopic surgery or robotic surgery ( through small holes)
The uses of robotic surgery is undoubtedly good  as it leads to faster recovery but why  the C- section rates are going so high.

 C section is a major surgery and carries risk for infection ,bladder and bowel injuries,serious complications for future pregnancy like aldherent placenta ,bleeding per vaginum during pregnancy & more chances of 2nd cesarean & hysterectomies.

Justified Indication of C - section are -

1) breech presentation or oblique lie.
2) low lying placenta or placenta previa
 3)pre eclampsia/eaclampsia
4) multiple pregnancy with first breech or transverse lie
5)big sized babies leading to shoulder dystocia.
6) Cpd

Unjustified indication of C section are

a)  Fear of labor pains thus avoiding vaginal deleiveries.
b) wanting to have baby at auspicious moments e.g janmashtami and guru purab. Or at specific date & time as guided by astrologers.
c)  patient on continuous fetal heart monitoring showed single reading of dropping fetal heart rate during labor pain.
d) if having insurance coverage are more likely to undergo C-section.
f) for convenience of doctor as C-section is less time consuming and more profitable.
g) lack of availiblity of obstetrician and anaesthetist  round the clock.
h) fear of medicolegal litigations.

Things to be done by Mom to prevents C -section

a)    Avoid unnecessary weight gain. Averege weight gain of 11-13 kg during pregnancy will give you an average baby wt of 2.5 – 3.1 kg. A weight gain of more than 15 kg will give you macrosomic baby. An average indian women with average  height of  5feet 3 inches  cannot delivers a baby of more then 3.6-3.8 kg ,so avoid  unnecessary weight gain during pregnancy by modifying your dietery patterns i.e more of protiens and reduce carbohydrates intake.

b) Exercise – working women having sedentary job should exercise more or attend antenatal classes.

c) Shortning the period of rest & sleep to not more than 8 hrs. in a day.

d) Pregnancy is a physiological state & not a disease does not require bed-rest. Working actually throughout your pregnancy unless otherwise indicated in cases of  high blood pressure or low lying  placenta gives you more chance of having vaginal deleivery.

e) Avoiding  white flour and maida in,pitza,pasta & chowmein & pure starches like potato & rice.

f) Doing more of household works.

g) Attend antinatal classes to learn more about exercises ,diet & nutrition labor pains & delievery

h) Being patient & cooperative during  labor

i) Having a good support during labor like doula


Choosing a Coregiver/ Doctor – ask your doctor about What is her rate of primary   cesarean sections—which should be  as low as  10%. Ask about the places where she takes  her clients  for birthing & inquire about hospital policies for labor birth care & find out the c section rates.

Before marrying a man,we survey all his particulars , his family & financial status but some patients do little research  about the doctor and go by the fact which doctor has a big name, does more publicity and more  by word of mouth references.Most of the popular doctor gives undesirable or very high cesarean rates. 

This is where the difference lies between an unskilled & well trained obstetrician.If the obstetrician is well trained in good premiere institution, where she has conducted a good number of delivery including forceps ,vaccum,rotation of occiput in occipitoposterior position,she is confidant enough to handle such complicated vaginal deleiveries and she is confident enough to do cesarean in of deep stuck head ( if trial fails) ,unnecessary c section  rate can be  significantly  diminished.

CHOOSING A BIRTHING PLACE ask about the fascilities like epidural anaesthesia, nursery & blood bank  in the hospital. Most of the hospitals do not collect the data for vaginal cesarean delivery ratio and moreover they are not transparent about the data for individual doctor’s vaginal to cesarean ratio. The data collection should be transparent as it attribute for the patient to choose their obstetrician.

INDUCTION OF LABOR Studies have shown that at less then 40 weeks of gestation women who underwant induction have lower rate of c section compare to those who received expectant management.Use of cerrvical ripening methods such as misopristol,dinoprostgel or pge 2 gel. foleys bulbsand laminaria tents lead to lower rate of c section.

b) If colourd doppler studies is normal ,the baby weight is within normal range & the mother is feeling good fetal movements  & the cervix is unfavourable,do not induce  the labor before 40 weeks unless medically indicated

c)wait for   24 Hours to call it as failed induction .

d) in case of ruptured membranes wait for 12 -14 hrs. of induction

 LABOR SUPPORT – it is the most effective tool to improve labor and delivery outcome as continuous presence of one to one personnel support such as doula improves patient satisfaction and co operation ,this resource is underutilized  .Doulas are schooled to give massage,positioning,relaxation,information and many more skills to make the patient comfortable during labor.

Cesarean section are  required If second stage is prolonged that is more than 3 hours or 4 hours in cases of epidural analgesia, operative vaginal delivery like foreceps or vacuum delivery should be used judiciously as they do not have serious morbidity like intracerebral haemrrhage. Hopefully the combine efforts of the doctor and patient would definitely reduce the Ceserean Section rate.

Friday 23 January 2015

Dr Ruby Sehra @ Ivf Centres in West Delhi,Delhi,India

Best Ivf Consultany and Treatment By Dr Ruby Sehra

Ivf Centres in West Delhi,Delhi,India

Ivf Clinics in West Delhi,Delhi,India

Ivf Hospitals in West Delhi,Delhi,India

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Ivf Centres in India,Delhi,West Delhi,Punjabi Bagh, @ Dr. ruby sehra

Ivf Centres in Delhi,India,West Delhi,Punjabi Bagh,

Ivf Website -

What is IVF?

In vitro fertilisation (IVF) literally means ‘fertilisation in a glass test tube”
During the IVF process, eggs are removed from the ovaries and fertilised with sperm in the laboratory. The fertilised egg (embryo) is later placed in the woman’s womb.
Ivf Centres in Delhi,India,West Delhi,Punjabi Bagh,

Is IVF for me?

IVF-ICSI CENTER may recommend IVF as your best treatment option if:
  • you have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility
  • your fallopian tubes are blocked
  • you have been unsuccessful with other techniques like using fertility drugs or intrauterine insemination (IUI)
  • there is a minor degree of male subfertility – more severe problems are treated with intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
To know if IVF is for you, send you medical and pregnancy history to for a free online consultation.

How does IVF work?

IVF techniques can differ from clinic to clinic, often depending on your individual circumstances.
A typical IVF treatment may involve:ivf2
For women:
Step 1. Suppressing the natural monthly hormone cycle
As a first step of the IVF process you may be given a drug to suppress your natural cycle.
Treatment is given either as a daily injection (which is normally self-administered unless you are not able to do this yourself) or a nasal spray. This continues for about two weeks.
Step 2. Boosting the egg supply
After the natural cycle is suppressed you are given a fertility hormone called FSH (or Follicle Stimulating Hormone). This is usually taken as a daily injection for around 12 days.
This hormone will increase the number of eggs you produce – meaning that more eggs can be fertilised. With more fertilised eggs, the clinic has a greater choice of embryos to use in your treatment.
Step 3. Checking on progress
Throughout the drug treatment, the clinic will monitor your progress. This is done by vaginal ultrasound scans and, possibly, blood tests. 34–38 hours before your eggs are due to be collected you have a hormone injection to help your eggs mature.
Step 4. Collecting the eggs
In the IVF process eggs are usually collected by ultrasound guidance under sedation. This involves a needle being inserted into the scanning probe and into each ovary.
The eggs are, in turn, collected through the needle.
Cramping and a small amount of vaginal bleeding can occur after the procedure.
Step 5. Fertilising the eggs
Your eggs are mixed with your partner’s or the donor’s sperm and cultured in the laboratory for 16–20 hours. They are then checked to see if any have fertilised.
Those that have been fertilised (now called embryos) are grown in the laboratory incubator for another one – two days before being checked again. The best one or two embryos will then be chosen for transfer.ivf3
After egg collection, you are given medication to help prepare the lining of the womb for embryo transfer.
Step 6. Embryo transfer
Three or Four embryos can be transferred. If you are 40, or over, a maximum of four can be used.
The number of embryos is restricted because of the risks associated with multiple births. Remaining embryos may be frozen for future IVF attempts, if they are suitable.
Step 7. Other treatments
Some clinics may also offer blastocyst transfer, where the fertilised eggs are left to mature for five to six days and then transferred.
For information about embryo transfer, and the different methods used see:
  • Embryo transfer
  • Blastocyst transfer
  • Assisted hatching
For men:
Step 1. Collecting sperm
Around the time your partner’s eggs are collected, you are asked to produce a fresh sample of sperm.
This is stored for a short time before the sperm are washed and spun at a high speed. This is so the healthiest and most active sperm can be selected.
If you are using donated sperm, it is removed from frozen storage, thawed and prepared in the same way.
IVF treatment in India with Us:
IVF-ICSI CENTER Delhi offers advanced IVF treatment at low affordable cost. Click here to know the costs.
To know about IVF with us, its costs, protocols etc. write to us or fill out a form
Ivf Clinics in Delhi,India,West Delhi,Punjabi Bagh,